Anti-Newton – a phenomenon of dilettantish science by example attempts to defute the law of universal gravitation

Research Article
  • Andrey G. Vaganov S. I. Vavilov Institute for the History of Science and Technology of the RAS; “Nezavisimaya Gazeta”,Moscow, Russian Federation
    Elibrary Author_id 768249
    ResearchID F-9864-2016
How to Cite
Vaganov A.G. Anti-Newton – a phenomenon of dilettantish science by example attempts to defute the law of universal gravitation. Science Management: Theory and Practice. 2020. Vol. 2. No. 4. P. 204–225. DOI:


In 1687 Isaac Newton published his magnum opus – “Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica”. In this work, he formulated the law of universal gravitation. But the transmission of force from body to body through the void seemed paradoxical to the author of the Elements himself. It is not surprising that almost immediately there were critics of both Newton’s method and the results of his research. These critical waves are still occurring. The author makes an attempt to find patterns in their emergence and distribution in society. This is important because the creators and actors of modern and modern science “boiled”and “boiled” in this counter-scientific soup; it has been, and is, the ingredient that has defined the social and professional environment in which scientists operate. But, paradoxically, the phenomenon of anti-science (counter-science) can be viewed as a kind of criterion for the truth of a scientific theory. There are no counter-scientific, amateurish claims to purely speculative, clearly speculative statements (theories). The emergence of such antiscientific theories is an indicator (sign) of the emergence of a new concept in science. Or, in Kuhn’sterms, a sign of the completion of normal science and the preparation of a scientific revolution; in Lakatos terms - the emergence of a new research program (Newton’s theory was such a positive research program).
Newton, Descartes, Huygens, Lomonosov, Claireau, the law of universal gravitation, amateurs, counter-science, naive science, antiscience

Author Biography

Andrey G. Vaganov, S. I. Vavilov Institute for the History of Science and Technology of the RAS; “Nezavisimaya Gazeta”,Moscow, Russian Federation
Researcher; Deputy Editor; Executive Editor


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Received: 09.10.2020

Accepted: 23.12.2020

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Vaganov, A. G. (2020). Anti-Newton – a phenomenon of dilettantish science by example attempts to defute the law of universal gravitation. Science Management: Theory and Practice, 2(4), 204–225.
Science and pseudo-science