Title: Science Management: Theory and Practice
ISSN 2686-827X (online)
Publication frequency: quarterly. Founded in 2019.
Editor-in-Chief – Evgeny V. Semenov, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor.
Publisher: FCTAS RAS.
Indexation: Russian Science Citation Index, Russian Centre for Science Information, Institute of Sociology of the FCTAS RAS, CyberLeninka, Big Eurasia, SciNetwork, CrossRef, Google Scholar et al.
Double-blind peer review
Open Access
Aims and scope
The journal seeks to fill a vacant gap between the system of public administration of science and the community of researchers into issues of science as well as to become a platform for dialogue and a channel of communication between these two professional groups. The quality of state science and technology policy and the efficiency of forms, mechanisms and tools used in science management largely depend on their interaction.
The publication aims to provide a regular constructive dialogue between the scientific community and government authorities on the development of Russian science. This communication is meant to qualitatively improve the circulation of ideas between science and the public administration system in the field of research, experimental and technological developments (R&D), including a transformation of intellectual results obtained in science studies into public management decisions and documents related to the public administration of science, as well as a clarification of the science, technology and innovation policy pursued by the state in a broad research environment with the help of experts in science studies.
The Science Management: Theory and Practice journal is a practice-oriented academic publication containing significant intellectual results of modern comprehensive studies into the field of R&D in Russia and abroad, the practical aspects of public administration of science, as well as issues of the state scientific, technological and innovation policy.
Format of the journal
It is an online periodical that is published quarterly and aimed at a potentially unlimited number of readers. The main advantages of the electronic format include accessibility and convenient search options for the audience and cost-effectiveness of publishing.
Mission of the journal
The Science Management: Theory and Practice journal acts as:
- a way of forming a consolidated understanding of the condition and problems of Russian science, contemporary threats, challenges, opportunities and trends of its development, promising methods for solving problems of innovative scientific and technological development, effective forms, mechanisms and tools of public administration in the sphere of R&D;
- a platform for a productive dialogue between scholars in science studies and representatives of public administration in the field of R&D, a forum for communication between researchers and government managers with interested entrepreneurs and civil society on the formation of scientific, technological, innovative and industrial policy, mechanisms for its implementation, including ways to modernize this area, possible scenarios for the development of the national scientific system and the national innovation system, management and financing models taking into account modern challenges and opportunities;
- a mechanism for expert evaluation of active and draft official documents of a conceptual, programmatic and regulatory nature, which determine the organization and development of the R&D sphere, with a view to correct them after in-depth discussions;
- a form of consolidation and coordination of activities of currently atomized individual researchers and separate groups of scholars in science studies, a joint virtual laboratory for analysis and discussion of proposed approaches, projects and ways of developing the field of R&D as well as for elaboration of proposals aimed at adjusting the state’s innovative science and technology policy.
Thematic focus areas
The journal covers a steadfast range of research areas in various fields, including economics of science, sociology of science, history of science, philosophy and methodology of scientific cognition, scientometrics, psychology of research creativity, etc. They are united by a common object and purpose of research. This set of research directions of science studies is contextually structured in a variety of ways depending on different tasks and functions. The research directions included in the complex of science studies are coordinated and subordinated for the purpose of searching for an optimal public management of the R&D sphere under modern conditions. They are divided into a large number of components that are in turn combined into integrated multidisciplinary thematic areas.
These multidisciplinary thematic areas of the journal are grouped around the following issues:
- formation of socially significant functions and tasks of science in modern Russia;
- the condition and prospects of development of the scientific and technological sphere, science and technology complex as well as academic and technological potential in contemporary Russia;
- functioning of the national research system and the national innovation system and ways to modernize them taking into account global challenges;
- adjustment of the state scientific, technological, innovative and industrial policies in Russia;
- challenges and threats to the science and technology development of the country in the context of the global information society;
- global and Russian trends in scientific and technological development;
- the world’s experience and the role of national cultural and historical traditions in the science and technology development of the country.
Forms of publications
The journal provides a wide variety of publication forms: analytical and review articles; proceedings of round tables and other discussion events; reviews of new books; overviews of academic events; transcripts of conversations with leading experts and analysts; monitoring of the development of the legal and regulatory framework; information and analytical monitoring of issues related to management of science development; statistical and scientometric research; etc.
The journal’s team and authors
The journal draws on the traditions laid down by a team of researchers in science studies from many academic organizations, universities, expert and analytical centers in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk and other Russian cities. The team developed around the Science Studies (1999–2004) and Science. Innovations. Education (2006–2016) journals under the guidance of the famous scholar and organizer of science Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Evgeny V. Semenov who is the editor-in-chief of the Science Management: Theory and Practice journal. The deputy editors-in-chief are well-known Russian researchers: Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Sergey V. Egerev, Doctor of Economics, Professor Vitaly L. Tambovtsev and Doctor of Sociology, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Mikhail F. Chernysh.
Many members of our team are currently heads of academic organizations or their divisions / departments. They hold responsible positions in state administration bodies and train research personnel. The stable community of scholars in science studies, significantly strengthened by young specialists who have been educated and prepared in the last decade, forms the core of the editorial board and the team of contributors of the journal.
The field of economics is represented by a large group of distinguished academic and university researchers from leading organizations, including the Central Economic Mathematical Institute of the RAS, the Institute of Economics of the RAS, the Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering of the Siberian Branch of the RAS, Moscow State University, etc. The field of sociology is represented by specialists from the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the RAS, HSE University and other organizations. The field of law is represented by professionals from the Institute of State and Law of the RAS, the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation, etc. The scientometric community is represented by influential experts from the Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers (ANRI), the All-Russian Institute for Scientific and Technical Information of the RAS (VINITI RAS), the Scientific Electronic Library (eLIBRARY.RU) and other organizations. In the same way, communities of psychologists, experts on informatization, issues of financing and organization of research, political analysts and pundits, specialists in international comparisons and other fields of scholarly knowledge have been formed. Many of them have work experience in government bodies or in their subordinate organizations, including the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, the Federation Council, the State Duma of the Russian Federation, the Security Council of the Russian Federation, public foundations, corporations, concerns, etc.
Readership of the journal
The readership of the Science Management: Theory and Practice journal is extensive and very diverse. Its core consists of the community of scholars in science studies, socially active researchers and science facilitators, as well as public administration specialists, including those working in the administrative and legislative branches of government at the federal and regional levels. Most of them are related to issues of management in fundamental and applied research, experimental design and technological developments and of legal regulation, patenting and licensing, informatization. The readership also includes a variety of groups not directly related to research on science and management of science, including educators and students, engineers, developers, politicians, journalists and everyone interested in the science and technology development of Russia and the world.